Column: Community Stories

We believe through sharing stories we can break down stigma, end secrecy and shame, and discover we aren’t alone. If you would like to share your story with the Libero community, visit!

Community Stories

Lauren: Free from Lies

I am free because even though I still can hear the lies, I am finally able to see them for what they are and I am actively choosing not to accept them.

Community Stories

Amanda: Free from Fear

Two years ago, the best word to describe me was afraid. Now, the best word to describe me is a warrior. A warrior who is beating the disorder that threatened...

Community Stories

Kira: Free from Self-Hate

Today, I still struggle with my anxiety, but I embrace myself for who I am. Some days I wake up and my afro hair is sticking out in all directions and I have...

Community Stories

Micaela: Free from Shame

Today, I’m no longer ashamed of who I was, because I am confident in who I am now. This is my story, and I’m adding to it daily. I’m adding to it from now and...