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Originally published September 13, 2019. Updated September 3, 2024.
Content Warning: Eating Disorders
A general rule of thumb: no one should end the fall season without having a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks–or the coffee place of your choice because, TBH, there are probably better PSLs out there. Anyways, happy fall!
I’m incredibly #basic in the sense that fall is absolutely my favourite season. Again, I love PSLs, boots, sweaters, the changing leaves, the weather.
Fall and Transitions
With all the excitement that fall holds, it also triggers many changes.
Going back to school, possibly leaving home, going to a different school, changing jobs, or learning to adjust with kids not in the house.
Eating disorder behaviours can often be triggered during the Fall, and these times can be an excellent season to explore new strategies for your recovery.
In this blog, I thought it would be an excellent place to discuss recovery tips for this transitional time of year.
Here are 4 Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery during Fall Transitions
1. Make a list of eating disorder “red/yellow light” signs and “green light” signs with your therapist or dietitian.
I do this with many of my clients who are transitioning from high school to college, as it will be the first time they’ll be more consistently away from home.
“Red light” or “yellow light” signs are behaviours the indicate the eating disorder voice/urges might be getting a bit stronger.
For example, skipping meals/snacks, prioritizing exercise over other things, or a decrease in the variety of foods.
“Green light” signs are indicative that you’re engaging in behaviours to promote recovery.
Some examples of “green light” signs are seeing your therapist and dietitian weekly, challenging fear foods, and eating regularly throughout the day (or following your meal plan if you have one!).
If you feel comfortable, you might share this list with other members of your support team, such as parents, significant others, and perhaps a roommate or close friend.
2. Make a list of what happens when you notice you’re struggling with eating disorder recovery.
If you notice you’re regularly engaging in eating disorder behaviours (aka “red” or “yellow light” signs), what happens next?
Do you go to a support group either in person, on the college campus or virtually? Do you spend the weekend with individuals who support you in eating disorder recovery and can help you take a breath? Do you participate in meal support with your Dietician?
Discuss these steps with your treatment team.
It’s a good idea to have a plan of action ahead of time so you don’t feel overwhelmed about what to do next.
Of course, these “plans” might not always be executed exactly as expected, and adjustments may need to be made. That’s okay. Your team will support you in getting through it.
Related: Creating a Relapse Prevention Plan
3. Remind yourself that there’s nothing wrong with reaching out for increased eating disorder recovery support.
Eating disorder recovery is not linear and is 100% okay if behaviours increase during times of change. It doesn’t make you any less motivated or “successful” in recovery.
In times of slip-ups and relapses, I believe you learn more about yourself and the eating disorder and can use that information to get better.
Knowing when to ask for help, attend support groups, and add on additional therapy/nutrition appointments if you’re able can be a sign of strength in recovery.
4. Find a new routine to help adapt to the Fall.
Think about how you might be able to find some normalization in the new normal. This might help you get adjusted to the new space and routine.
What would this look like? Here are some ideas:
- Having a consistent sleep schedule
- Eating meals around the same time
- Weekly calls with loved ones
- Having a meal with a friend each week
- Making time for yourself each week
Alex Raymond, RD, LD, CEDRD
Alex Raymond is an eating disorder dietitian in private practice in College Park and Columbia, MD. Alex specializes in treating individuals struggling with anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. She practices from an intuitive eating model and enjoys working with individuals to improve body image. She is a passionate Health at Every Size © advocate and anti-diet dietitian. Alex provides eating disorder nutrition counselling in College Park and Columbia, MD. Alex's College Park office is within walking distance from the University of Maryland.
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