Mental Health

Self-Care: Taking Time for Yourself

I think you'll find that if you commit to taking time for yourself as a form of self-care, you will be more productive and much happier.

Originally published January 14, 2015. Updated September 3, 2024.

Content Warning: stress, overwhelm

One of the most important aspects of self-care is taking time for yourself. I often get so caught up in life—doing everything I need for school, work, clubs, and home life—that I have no time for myself.

I have learned that it is very important for me to take a break to do something I enjoy and to take some time for self-care.

I know just how easy it is to get caught up in everything we need to do and forget to take a moment for ourselves.

Even now, after finals are a thing of the past and the new semester has just barely begun, it can still be challenging to take a break for just a minute.

Going back to school can be an adjustment, especially with new class schedules and getting used to brand-new material.

I have found it is important, especially during these busy times, to take a bit of time every day or week to do something fun and relaxing. This can be anything: reading a book, watching a movie, or whatever you like doing for relaxation.

For example, during finals week last semester, I made sure every night to stop studying at a reasonable hour, shower, and watch a TV show to relax before going to bed. This isn’t anything special, but this hour and a half helped keep me from getting overwhelmed with studying. Had I bypassed this relaxation time and studied an hour and a half longer, I don’t believe I would have done as well on my exams.

You see, for me, having a calm mind and being relaxed helps me do my best.

So, even if I am able to review a little bit more information, the stress builds up, and the end result is worse.

Self-care should also be of the utmost importance during the New Year. Many of us are busy and sometimes stressed about going back to school and work. Many of us may have goals or resolutions for the year that also require our time.

It is also important to take time for ourselves in these busy times.

When we try to spread ourselves too thin and be everywhere for everyone, we end up miserable.

Instead, take time out of your busy day to relax and have a nice cup of coffee, read a book, or just kick back.

I challenge you to take a bit of time for yourself.

Whether it is before or after work or school, on your lunch break, or even before bed. Take time to relax, unwind, and do something you enjoy, even in the most stressful of times.

I think you’ll find that if you commit to taking time for yourself, you will be more productive and, most importantly, much happier.

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About the author


Scott hopes to turn the negativity of his Anorexia into something positive by supporting other men and women who struggle with eating disorders in any way he can. He also hopes to raise awareness of eating disorders in men in order to get better treatment. His message is simple: recovery is possible, and you can achieve it. Some of his hobbies are coffee, cars, and bicycle racing. He is currently studying mechanical engineering and German.