Mental Health

Coping with Anxiety During Life Transitions

No matter how large or small this transitional period feels, know that you are not alone and that there are ways to help yourself through it.

Originally published October 5, 2018. Updated September 3, 2024.

Content Warning: anxiety, parenting

Every parenting book will tell you that transitions are difficult for toddlers and young children. Toddlers often need support when moving from one activity or place to another.

Parents are counselled on how to support their young children during these times of change. We expect our kids to have a difficult time, so we help them through these challenging moments. We try not to get too frustrated with them because they are supposed to act this way.

Somewhere along the way, though, we are no longer expected to feel worried or in need of support through periods of change.

We are expected to be able to handle change without giving it a second thought at some point in our lives.

I’m not sure about the age at which it is no longer socially acceptable to struggle with transitions, but I assure you that children are not the only ones struggling.

Adults go through changes constantly, and we need support, too.

My four-year-old son is getting ready to start preschool this month. We’ve been talking about his new teacher, learning which friends will be in his class, and visiting his classroom before his first day. In short, we are preparing him for the transition that is approaching to make it more comfortable for him.

My son is not the only one with an upcoming transition, however. As he starts school, my one-year-old son and I will also have a new schedule to adapt to. We will be eating lunch earlier and napping earlier to accommodate school. We will be rushing around in the afternoon, which used to be a more calm time in our house. We are all preparing for change.

Despite common thought, young children are not the only ones who need support through transitions.

Through the years of dealing with my own anxiety, I’ve learned what works best to support myself through transitions, both big and small.

Tips for Coping with Anxiety During Transitions

1. Make a plan.

Feeling prepared always helps. This is obviously not always possible since some changes occur on short or no notice. But even when something unexpected happens, stop and take a deep breath before acting.

2. Find time for yourself amidst the chaos.

Having a few quiet moments to myself definitely helps me to stay calm and focused. As an introvert, I need mental and physical space to let my mind settle.

3. Ask for help.

When things are feeling crazy, or I am having a lot of anxiety about an event, it helps to ask for support. That may mean asking for help to find a solution, or it may mean physically helping me out with a task.

4. Talk about it.

Don’t suffer in silence. I don’t always need physical help during times of anxiety, but it usually feels good to just let out my concerns. Talking through my new plan with someone helps me solidify the ideas in my head.

5. Find comfort in small things.

This could be a cup of tea, a good book, or a cuddly blanket on the couch. Anything that makes you feel calm and familiar can be helpful in times of transition. Toddlers have transitional objects (security blankets, special stuffed friends, etc) for a reason!

Show yourself some kindness and remember that it is okay to feel anxious or uneasy about life transitions and change.

You may be going back to school, starting a new job, or even just moving from a summer rhythm to a new fall rhythm.

No matter how large or small this transitional period feels, know that you are not alone and that there are ways to help yourself through it.

I know my sons, and I will find our new normal in a few weeks, but I will allow us all a little extra grace during this challenging time.

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About the author


Amy is a full time mom and former teacher living in Massachusetts. She enjoys reading, running and playing with her kids. She strives to use her story of recovery to help others suffering with eating disorders.