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If you enjoy this article and find it helpful, please consider donating $2 towards our work--every little bit helps!It is pretty much guaranteed that if you’re a female and you live in North America, you will at some point in your life struggle with negative body image. For those of us in eating disorder recovery the struggle can be even more than simple a struggle.
Negative body image has the power to derail us from our recovery as well as make recovery incredibly uncomfortable and difficult especially when it causes us to lose motivation in our recovery.
Here are some tips on how to stay motivated in your eating disorder recovery when you are struggling:
1. Remember why you want to recovery and define what recovery means to you.
In preparation for those negative body image days, put together a list of things you want in your eating disorder recovery and define what recovery means to you.
2. Spend time with body positive people.
If you are fortunate enough to know someone that has no issues with their body and does not body shame themselves or others, then hang around them and pick up on their positive vibes.
3. Get out of your head by moving your body.
Find non-obsessive ways to move your body and focus on how you feel rather than what you look like. Do this in a place without mirrors or media.
4. Write flip-scripts or talk back to your eating disorder.
Write out the negative body image thoughts and argue back in your authentic voice.
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Robyn Baker, CPT, RYT, BS
Robyn is the founder, owner, and operator of Asteya Fitness in Irvine, CA. She believes in health at every size and that the key to health and well-being is establishing and nurturing the mind-body connection through intuitive eating and exercise. She is a born and raised California girl and a proud mommy.
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