Eating Disorders Videos

What if my Significant Other Doesn’t Understand my Eating Disorder?

We all want our significant other to “get us” and understand us. When it comes to something like an eating disorder, holding out hope the love of your life will ever fully comprehend what you’re going through is a losing game.

Relationships are tricky. Throw in a mental health obstacle such as an eating disorder and you just multiplied the tricky-ness by at least 100.

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We all want our significant other to “get us” and understand us.

But, when it comes to something like an eating disorder, holding out hope the love of your life will ever fully comprehend what you’re going through is a losing game.

The truth is, if someone has never been through an eating disorder, they will most likely never “get it.”

I know, but regardless of whether or not they understand you, you are worthy enough to be with someone who supports you and who does not need to fully understand in order to support.

This video explains how you can help your significant other support you and your recovery efforts.

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1. Be honest.

2. Ask for what you need.

3. Be open to receiving the support.

In addition to the video below, this article may be helpful. 

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About the author

Robyn Baker, CPT, RYT, BS

Robyn is the founder, owner, and operator of Asteya Fitness in Irvine, CA. She believes in health at every size and that the key to health and well-being is establishing and nurturing the mind-body connection through intuitive eating and exercise. She is a born and raised California girl and a proud mommy.