Originally published September 13, 2019. Updated September 3, 2024.
Content Warning: Suicide, Depression
September is Suicide Prevention Month (sometimes called Suicide Awareness Month). Throughout the month, you will find articles, videos, posts, and other content related to suicide. People are sharing their stories, organizations are talking about their services, and peers are showing their support.
This is all an essential step in destigmatizing suicide, depression, and suicidal thoughts and in letting those who may be struggling know they aren’t alone and that things can get better.
When Awareness Months Become Triggering
However, even when intentions are good, awareness months can be difficult for some and, in some cases, even triggering. I say this from personal experience.
More so than any other year, I’ve found this year to be particularly difficult.
As a champion for mental health and as someone who works in the mental health field, not only am I required to take part in suicide prevention, but I also want to. I’ve been open about my own struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts, and I believe in the importance of these types of awareness events. This, however, doesn’t mean I’m immune from being affected.
I have learned, actually, that maybe I’m more at risk. Because I live with depression and I’ve gone through periods where I struggled with suicidal thoughts, this month brings out memories and feelings that someone who doesn’t have personal experience with suicide may not have.
Related: What You Can Do For Suicide Awareness Week
This article is for you if, like me, you are finding this month particularly difficult.
I’m not sure what was different this year, but I think burnout likely is playing a part. It hit me the strongest after I shared a post on social media and then heard of the tragic passing of a public figure on World Suicide Prevention Day.
It crept up until I was consumed with memories, thoughts, and fears. I’m doing better now, but it took its toll and has left me somewhat depleted.
5 Reminders if You Find Suicide Prevention Month Triggering:
#1 Give yourself grace; it’s okay to be affected by Suicide Prevention Month
I talked about this in my article about Chester Bennington; it’s crucial we remember that it’s okay (and even expected) to be affected in some way by conversations related to suicide.
Discussions about suicide affect nearly everyone, and of course, they will have a more significant impact on those who can personally relate.
#2 Reach out for extra support
Make an extra therapy appointment, plan more social events, and reach out. We don’t have to face this alone.
Even if others can’t relate, that doesn’t mean they can’t be there for us.
Take special care of yourself. Self-care is especially important during times of greater stress or triggers. Slow down, take time off, meditate, engage in hobbies, listen to uplifting podcasts—do whatever you need to do to support yourself.
#3 Step away when you need to (and don’t feel guilty about it)
This has been the hardest for me, mainly because my work is so involved in mental health and suicide prevention. However, I still have found ways to step back over the past few days: I stopped making social media posts about it, I stopped reading posts about it, and I stayed away from any hashtags or Reddit threads.
Remember: your mental health comes first.
#4 Remember: support lines are there for everyone (including you!)
The thing about mental health awareness is that it’s often those who live with mental health struggles who are most active in raising awareness.
Advocates, however, are not any less in need of support.
In the same way that you encourage others to call a helpline, you should encourage yourself, too. Similarly, in the same way that you encourage others to seek out therapy, you should seek out therapy, too.
Lastly, in the same way that you tell others to be honest about what they’re going through and to reach out for support, you should be honest and reach out, too.
Being an advocate does not mean we are immune to negative feelings or never in need of support. We are humans, too.
(📞1-800-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE — click here to find more helplines in your area)
#5 I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: depression is not a fatal diagnosis.
I know that during months like this, things can get scary and even feel hopeless; for every story of hope you read, you read another ending in tragedy. However, you need to remember that your story is your own.
Depression left untreated can be dangerous, but with the proper support, your story can be one of hope.
I know from experience that even if depression is chronic, you can still learn to live with it and thrive. And so I repeat, for you, for me, for everyone: depression is not a fatal diagnosis.
Closing Thoughts
In case you’re wondering how writing this article falls under my “stepping back” and taking care of myself, it has actually made me feel significantly better.
There is great power in being honest about what we’re going through, and I believe a large part of what made this week so difficult for me was keeping my feelings bottled up rather than acknowledging, accepting, and opening up about them.
What feelings are you keeping bottled up? Letting them out in a way that feels supportive may be a good place to start.
We’re all in this together.
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