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Content Warning: suicide, depression, loss
Many opinions on suicide and suicide prevention are misguided. This is one of the reasons it can be difficult for those experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts to seek help.
This makes me sad because I lost one of my close friends to suicide a few years ago, and she was one of the strongest, most selfless human beings you would ever meet. There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not grateful for having had her in my life.
I believe suicide isn’t a topic our society should shy away from.
Here are a few things within our power that we can do to help someone with this very important issue:
How to Take Part in Suicide Prevention Month
1. Don’t cast judgment or shame
It’s important not to shame people for opening up about having suicidal thoughts.
When you do this, it can make a person feel shame and embarrassment. This can cause people to not get the much-needed support they need
2. Support someone who is struggling.
I get that not everyone has a degree in psychology or a background in mental illness. But, if someone is struggling in these areas, you can still support them and let them know that seeking psychological help is not a sign of weakness.
Being there for them and not treating them like a burden is a small act that can go a very long way.
3. Learn suicide prevention skills.
There are courses available, such as the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) course. I’m certified in ASIST, and I can say that this can help you save a person’s life.
4. Let go of misperceptions.
Being rich, poor, religious or non-religious doesn’t exempt someone from struggling with mental illness. It also isn’t a character flaw or a sign they are a bad person.
5. Believe people and take what they say seriously.
Don’t be demeaning or act as if their mental illness is fake or believe other inaccurate fallacies. Don’t trivialize their issues because that will make a person only feel small and irrelevant. Saying things like “suck it up,” “snowflake,” “just think happy thoughts,” or similar statements only belittles them not and does not help them.
What to do if You’re in Need of Support
If, on the other hand, you are the one in need of support, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. You are not alone
Even though you feel alone, I promise you’re not. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to friends, family, or whoever, there are still plenty of other resources where you can either call, text or online chat with qualified professionals who want to help you (such as Crisis Services Canada and the resources below).
2. Don’t fall for internal or external lies
Remember, you are not weak, selfish, or any of the other harmful things people may say or think. You’re a person who needs help, and getting that help takes courage.
3. It’s okay to be scared
It’s perfectly normal to be scared to talk about this topic because of how it’s stigmatized in our world. However, I can’t emphasize this enough: you’re not alone.
4. Seek help; you deserve it
There is no shame in reaching out for support. If you don’t know where to turn, here is a list of a few great places where you can get support:
You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Line (1-800-273-TALK [8255]) or find a crisis line in your area.
Author/Writer at Thought Catalog, Libero Magazine, Invisible illness/Beautiful Voyager, and TotallyADD. I'm also a trained peer supporter.
SITE DISCLAIMER: The opinions and information shared in any content on our site, social media, or YouTube channel may not represent that of Libero Network Society. We are not liable for any harm incurred from viewing our content. Always consult a medical professional before making any changes to your medication, activities, or recovery process. Libero does not provide emergency support. If you are in crisis, please call 1-800-784-2433 or another helpline or 911.