The scars remind me of the courage it took to fight that impulse each day. They remind me that I am stronger than I believe and that those anxious days will...
Column: Community Stories
We believe through sharing stories we can break down stigma, end secrecy and shame, and discover we aren’t alone. If you would like to share your story with the Libero community, visit!
No matter how difficult recovery might seem, staying sick is much worse and it quickly becomes clear that there is so much more to life than an eating disorder.
I grew up in a small town, the youngest of four. As a child I was quiet and a good student but things started to go wrong for me as I reached my teenage...
No one chooses to be abused – No one makes it happen – No one is immune to it. Somewhere, somehow vulnerability in a person makes it possible for another...
It’s hard to say when an eating disorder “started.” I think it is more of a progression from the disordered thoughts, to actions, and then to diagnosis...