It’s important to be patient with yourself and remember even the smallest steps forward add up.
Tag - Coping with Triggers
It’s important to recognize your social media triggers and begin to figure out how to use social media in a way that is the most beneficial to your mental...
So perhaps the girl in the magazine really does love kale salads and spinach smoothies -- doesn’t mean I have to. What works for some might not work for...
Being triggered in the gym is pretty much a guarantee. Once in the state of stable recovery, exercise can be reintroduced, but it can be scary because of the...
Avoiding triggers is not always a bad thing. In fact, it is essential to our self-care to know what we can handle and what we cannot.
I’ve been down the thinness rabbit hole and must remind myself that it leads absolutely nowhere. My only goal now is to watch my thoughts as closely as I used...
It has taken a lot of practice and years of work and self-discovery to shift my thinking, love myself as I am right now, and accept the fact that no diet is...
Embracing self-compassion keeps triggering comments about my body from impacting my view of myself.
It has taken me a lot of time to begin to fully rearrange my priorities to actually make recovery my goal. It has been the most rewarding, life-giving...
Forming friendships with people from recovery or treatment is comforting and uplifting. However, it can be detrimental to your recovery if you don’t set...
Upon returning home from an eating disorder treatment facility last year, my beyond-ecstatic parents wanted to treat me and celebrate all of the hard work I...